Wednesday, November 2, 2011


也许习惯了一个人生活 也许不想任何人打扰生活步骤 也许家庭压力 也许生命中的那个他还没出现 也许喜欢潇洒的自己 也许想专注在学业 也许爱自由 也许怕受伤害 也许没自信 也许有阴影 也许不想让生活复杂化 也许安于现状 也许享受单身的无拘无束 也许喜欢一个人晚上在房间思考 也许享受着无人打扰地敷面膜 也许怕包袱 也许怕烦恼会增加 也许怕情绪会被影响 也许有太多也许 也许顾虑太多 如果人不会害怕孤单与寂寞,那我会选择一辈子单身。 但,我怕孤单。

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


减肥的动力: 1)要穿美美的衣服(因为瘦的女生穿什么都好看) 2)增加自信心(当然,因为瘦了=美了) 3)21大寿的那天我要成为美丽的小公主(哈哈!那天一定要拍多多美美的照片) 4)要让那些曾经伤害我及嫌弃我肥的男人知道自己走宝了(我真的被伤害到怕了) 5)要电卷头发(因为漂亮的女生不管弄什么发型都一样好看) 6)让我的未来男友觉得带我出去很有面子(未来的你一定要好好珍惜我哦!哈哈!好白痴咧~~~~(^。^)) 7)不用再因为自己肥而修改照片(修改照片真的蛮累人的,哈哈!但挺有成就感滴) 8)让父母亲觉得有一位很漂亮的女儿而感到有面子(哈哈!这间接证明他们基因好) 9)能拍到漂漂亮亮的照片 10)去到哪里都成为焦点 11)以后可以很有自信的在孩子面前说,想当年你老母我可是狠多人追求的~~~~(^∇^) 限期:25/5/2012 哈哈!希望凭着自己的毅力能冲破一切关卡!说真的,要做美女真的很辛苦!哈哈!不过我愿意付出因为做美女的好处真的太多了!哈哈哈哈!(⌒▽⌒) 加油哦!陈敏慧!! *\(^o^)/* 哦耶~~~~

Sunday, October 30, 2011


从三年级开始,我就和胖摆脱不了关系。由于有着傻大姐的性格所以就一直不以为然。直到升上了初中我才意识到自己是猪排!哈哈哈哈!但本小姐依然不顾他人眼光的吃。。。(^○^) 到底是什么原因让本小姐开始减肥的生涯呢?当当~~~~就是被所喜欢的对象严重伤到心就来暴了!从那天开始我就告诉自己,陈敏慧你是猪排所以没资格喜欢人也不会有人看上你那"猪"的身材!就这样,我就开始了减肥的生涯了。。我还记得那时的我简直能用仙来形容!基本上三餐之吃两片面包和一杯果汁!说真的,挺佩服当时的自己!哈哈!没办法lo~~~~谁叫那时被喜欢的人伤到那么深! 终于,经过几个月的痛苦,我瘦了十公斤!哈哈哈!当然那时还是肥啦~~~~减肥最痛苦的莫过于是平台期。。唉~~~~(u_u) 终于的终于,我决定加入健身中心了!哈哈!直到最近才看到少许成绩,希望真的能如我所愿的达到目标lo!毕竟明年是本小姐的二十一大寿!哈哈! 我要做美女!干巴爹! o(^▽^)o

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Love is for losers and I guess I'm one of them. It's amazing how someone can break your heart but you still love them with all the little pieces. Sorrowful...can you imagine that I force myself dun slept for few nights due to you. Is it worth that I did so much stuff for you but you dun know at all???!!! Seriously, I'm tired...why I'm always the one who move on but not you??! You ignore me and treated me as nobody!! Well....I will move you out from my heart and I will keep all that secret and bury them forever. The fate of us already ended since you ignore me... Anyway, I won't blame you because I cannot presume on your attention and as you said, I'm not eligible to be your opponent. Goodbye .

Sunday, July 31, 2011

my lovely friend

I appreciate you, my friend! Do not be sad with this case! I know both of us are quite scare to lose each other since we are good friend! Dun ask why this kind of argument or matter will happened between both of us! You just treat it as a test from God and after this this case, our friendship will be closer and better than before. Treat it as a lesson, my lovely friend! Dun worry, it doesn't matter for me since I know both of us are care each other! You still my lovely friend! Do not be depress anymore because life is short! We should appreciate each other since life is short and I will go for further study soon. Hence, just try our best to create sweet memory as more as we can since we just left two years plus of our study life. I love you and you always warm my heart!o(^_^)o

Saturday, July 30, 2011

My Dream Man

My dream man Last night, I was attended the party of my cousin! Suddenly, a boy played piano!! This situation made me thought, If I have a pianist as my Man, I was felt happiness enough! Haha!! Next case was happened two days ago! I learned a lesson from this case and I will make sure the man who I choose will respected me and my friends! If I found my man scolds my friends, I confirm will kicked him aways! As a couple, we should respect each other this include friends, families and privacy too. Base on my experience, I found that two people who from different family's background are quite hard to match! The thought,the view, the taste and the topic of chat are totally different. Hence, the level of education is one of my apprehensions! Freedom and privacy- I extremely hate people who force me to do something I not willing to do it!! I damn hate it! Freedom??!! Well, I not mind that my man accompany to attend the date with my friends and I quite welcome him to join my friends!!!! However, PLEASE dun keep oppose strongly me to join my friends' date or Gathering!!! Excuse me, I have my own privacy,ok???? If I keep away from my friends because of him,I will felt very no life!!!!!!!!!!! I rather die without friends!!!! Another case, if he keep pouring cold water when I hang out with my friends, he is considerably failed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! His acts will made me feel very unhappy when I hang out with my friends !!! I totally can't enjoy the time when I hang out with my friends!! I can accept and respect his friends and privacy but he also needs to do so!!!! I prefer smart man!!! Haha!!! I quite envy my cousin Sis has a smart BF because the guy can always help my cousin Sis to solve the problem!! And!!! The most important point is his BF did a very lovely card for her!!! OMG!!!!!! the card was 3D effect!!! Make me so envy neh~~=3= Cause normally guys just will bought a piece of card and write only!!! No creative also!!!!! I prefer a handmade card than LV GUCCI PRADA!!!!!!!!! Haha!!!! Be my man, no need be so rich but need to be smart and show his meticulous care! Tone of talking- I hate people use rude tone to talk with me!!! Especially my BF or husband!!! Hate it!!!!! I confirm will scolded him if he be rude with me!! (¬_¬) The conclusion I can make is I need a pet not a BF!!! hahaha!!! Just a joke!! Hehe!!!! I can be a very good and lovely GF if my man treats my nice!!!! HOWEVER!!! if he try to step my carpet of mines , he consider to DIE!!!!!!!!!! haha!! I know it is impossible to find a prefect man in this world !! A prefect man doesn't mean he is suit to you ! is it impossible to get a soul mate??? Hmmm...... I wish I could!!! I quite stress with spiritual!!!! Idiom: hearts linked as one, just as the proverbial rhinoceros communicates emotion telepathically through his single horn! ^^ wish I can get this kind of man be my life's partner!!!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

boring @.@"

As usual, I woke up at 12 noon!! Wakaka!!! After brushing, I started to prepare my lunch! Keke!! Due to keep fit so I just can be herbivore!! Haha!! Luckily it still yummy!!! Woohoo~~~ after having my lunch, I did not know what I gonna to do!!! BORING!!! T.T haha!! Today I saw a very funny passage from newspaper: Wife=washing,ironing,food, entertaining Wife=wonderful,independent,funny,enchanting Wife=woman I find exquisite. which combination would you prefer? Happy wife, happy life. If you treat yours wife as an empress, she will be very happy! If yours wife happy OF course you will happy as the emperor!!! If yours wife not happy than you gonna be suffer in your life!haha!!!Anyway, treat it as a joke dun be too serious with this statement!!^^ Wakaka!!!! Base on this passage, I could make a conclusion which is the husband you choose in the future is very important because some of the guys are quite bad, they treat theirs wife as a maid!! Haha!!! Hence, girl be careful when choosing your husband!! A good life partner can give you a good life! Please dun be so impulsive when choosing your life partner !! ^.^ haha!! As my opinion, haha! Better enjoyed yours life and improved yours market value! Nowadays, girls should not always dependent to yours husband or BF!! we must make sure we have enough money to provide ourselves a good life without BF or husband!! Hahahaha!! If they betray us, we can kick them out of our life which free from all anxiety!!! Wohohoho!! ♪(´ε` )

rush rush rush !!

Rush rush rush Haha!! What I going to say for my day?? I just can use one word to describe "RUSH"!!!!!!! I woke up at half past six in the morning but my bro told me that he went to British council at 8 a.m! Well~~ I already had a well prepared for my heart!! =.= On the way to the destination, I keep listening my favorite song, to love you more - Celine dion! I really can't imagine that how do I survive in KL which always traffic jam!! ISH!!!!!! Haha!!! Anyway, I found out got a lot of handsome in british council!! Haha!!! Ya hor~~maybe you guys feel curious that why I came to British council??!! Hehe!!! Dang dang dang dang~~~~~~~~ I came for handsome!!! Lol!!!!! Just a joke!! Keke!!! Actually I came for the test which can determine which level of eng. Should I be??!! Haha!! You guys knew that I quite DRY recently so I finding some stuff to improve myself!!^^ * the subway here quite nice! Haha!! The bread very crunchy!! ^^ I will be the regular customer soon!! Haha!! Hmmm~~ the test part!!!! Haha!! I did well in the test besides the essay!! I totally did not know what I should wrote. The title was: my family! Haha!!! I did not had any idea while I wrote it, just simply wrote I love my families , I feel satisfy and bla bla bla~~ lol!! The level look like a primary school's student!!=.=" Hehe... I felt quite excited that i got a well result in the test. The teacher said that i am quite good and she commented me as a top level's student. Haha!!!after I done the test, I walked to KLCC!! hmm... Cause I wanna to buy a purse but ...., haiz..tak nampak aku suka pun.... After I surveying the purse, I did some window shopping!! Haha!!! ZARA's clothes are quite nice maybe I like colorful design ^^ after the shopping, I met my dai sou and bro at the LRT station! Then, we went for lunch at hailam kopitiam which nears with yu hua. I had a tomyam fried meehoon as my lunch,hmm..... Not delicious as before already. Maybe the chef already be changed.after we having our lunch, we walked to our car!! AND!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We saw the Mirror of our car was broken!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!! haiz ~~~ just feel the security of our country ....speechless!! Luckily din hav any things been stole. Haiz.... In the conclusion, I have a complicated feeling in a day!! I wish I can doing well in my IELTS, at least get band 6.5!!! Anyway, I will let myself improve day by day!!Gambateh !!(⌒▽⌒)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Introduction ^~^

i am jamie. A girl who is quite crazy in life. A girl who always wishes the people around her happy in life. haha~thats all~.><